Indian Exhibition Industry Association Open Seminar 2016

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Tue, 16 May 2006 to Wed, 16 May 2007, 00:00

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This year’s theme being- Collaborating to Achieve Excellence, Reliability, Responsiveness, Quality & Commitment are undoubtedly the Key Attributes towards achieving excellence in Business and Customer Delight. Achieving excellence will be ultimate objective of any industry be it manufacturing or services. A lot needs to be done by all the stake holders of the Indian exhibitions industry to achieve higher ranks at the global level. Customer Delight is the bottom line that one has to look at in order to sustain in the business. A collaborative approach is the best way to achieve excellence. The Seminar will provide premier networking and knowledge platform as Industry gathers to brainstorm and find ways to achieve excellence through collaborative efforts. IEIA is delighted to invite you and your team to participate in this important event through sponsorship's and by registering yourselves as delegates to attend the seminar.


<p>Indian Exhibition Industry Association (IEIA), was registered with the Registrar of Societies, Under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 Under No. 55/63 of 2006, in New Delhi. The association brings together all the exhibition organizers, managers, designers &amp; stand contractors, freight forwarders, services &amp; facilities providers, venue owners etc. so that there is a common platform available to the entire industry to consider ways and means for the sound and scientific development of various facets of the industry.<br /><br />&nbsp;The Association represents the entire country and all segments related to the exhibition industry. IEIA aims to be your one stop source of information pertaining to exhibition industry, various exhibitions / trade shows organized in the country, exhibition industry news, information on various agencies, private and public organizations operating in the exhibition industry in India.<br /><br />&nbsp;<strong>The main objectives of IEIA as per its constitution are to :</strong></p><ul><li>Protect and promote the common interest of its members.&nbsp;</li><li>Provide a common platform where members meet informally through Councils / Committees, Seminars / Workshops to&nbsp;exchange views and information on developments, improvements and problems in the industry.</li><li>&nbsp;Represent the industry in all matters nationally and internationally in relation to Government, media and public.&nbsp;</li><li>Organize training programmes, bring out publications, compile, tabulate and analyze statistics on the exhibitions for the benefit of the industry.</li><li>&nbsp;Keep close contact with the press and media with the objective of achieving a higher share of advertising and promotional market of the industry.</li><li>&nbsp;Promote Indian Exhibitions and Trade Fairs as cost effective marketing medium nationally and internationally.&nbsp;</li><li>Devise and implement a system of auditing of Trade Shows and Exhibitions so as to lend credibility.</li><li>&nbsp;Maintain high ethical standards by laying down a code of ethics for conducting business and safeguard high quality of services to the exhibitors and visitors to events organized by its members.&nbsp;</li><li>Do all other things as may be considered by the Association to be incidental or conducive for the benefit of the industry.</li></ul>


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