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edition in the capital of India from 29th to 30th July.
The Delhi chapter of CNNYP will be breaking apart from the regular clatter of Youth Parliaments, by being a theme-based conference, the theme of the 2017 edition being “Women Empowerment”.
CNNYP will be simulating six committees, along with National Press corps. We are also happy to announce, that CNNYP Delhi will be simulating the National Commission for Women for the first time in the Indian circuit.
Following is the list of committees being simulated at CNNYP Delhi 2017:
1) Lok Sabha
• Agenda: Reforms in Rape Laws with Focus on Marital Rape and Gender Neutrality
2) All India Political Parties Meet
• Agenda 1: Women’s Reservation Bill
• Agenda 2: Reviewing the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1974
3) Stakeholder’s Meet
• Agenda: Representation of Women in Mainstream Media
4) National Commission for Women
• Agenda 1: Feminisation of Poverty
• Agenda 2: Sexual Harassment at Workplace